Archive for April, 2007


Just Chillin’

April 28, 2007

Fifth Month

Here are a few new pictures of Kyle.  Tiffany took this one the other day and I especially love it.  Kyle will most often be found sleeping like this with his hands tucked behind his head.  It’s pretty awesome.


Come One, Come All…

April 25, 2007

…to the Keck-Family-New-Home-Barbecue-Wii-Stravaganza!  Well, that’s not entirely true.  Only people that know us can come.  Sorry, random people who have happened upon our site through google, since you don’t exist, you’re not invited.  But everyone else is. 

So, we’re going to have our “Yay we have a house party” this Saturday, starting at about 1:00 PM.  I received my birthday present from my wonderful wife yesterday, and so this may be your first chance to try out the Nintendo Wii.  We also bought a grill, so there will burgers and dogs or somesuch to munch upon. 

So, here’s the deal, if you are reading this, it would be awesome to leave a comment telling us if you will or won’t be coming (or at least that you acknowledge the party’s existence.)  We will then call only those people that we want to invite who don’t visit our website.  Thanks, and see ya then! 


Reports of a Party Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

April 19, 2007

So, we’ve been telling many people this past week that we plan to have a “Yay, we have a new house party” this Saturday.  As it turns out, that will probably not be the case.  It just seems that a lot of the people we had hoped would come won’t be able to, and a lot of the people who we think could come have already seen the house.  We are scared it will be a big flop if we go ahead and have it.  We would likely just postpone until the NEXT weekend or something like that.

 So, that’s the story.  Your only hope now is to tell us otherwise.  If 17 people all say they are just DYING to come over this weekend, perhaps we’ll still do it.  That is all.



April 18, 2007

After months of disheartening attempts to buy Brad a Wii, I finally succeeded at finding one!  I had to buy it in a bundle online so instead of just getting the console for his birthday, Brad will be getting the console, an extra remote controller, an extra nunchuck, and Zelda.  How’s that for extra generous?!?  We expect to get it in a week or so.  Does that encourage more trips to Lehi from our family and friends farther south?


While I’m At It

April 15, 2007

Here is another video of Kyle.  Some would say that it’s pretty cute.


Goin’ To Bed

April 15, 2007

So, a few nights ago I came in to check on Kyle in the morning, and this is the scene I was greeted with (notice that this is a link to a video).  Apparently, Kyle felt the need to escape from his baby carrier that he has been sleeping in up to this point.  So, due somewhat to that, and more to other reasons, we’ve decided that it’s time to ween him off the carrier, so to speak, and have him sleep directly in his crib.  Last night was our maiden voyage.  It could have gone a lot worse, but let’s just say that I probably won’t be super attentive at church today.  =/  Hopefully he’ll soon get better, though.


We’re So Handy!

April 8, 2007

Light   Room   Washer

We’re getting into homeownership with the completion of home improvement projects number one and two!  The master in our house used to be green (not the kind of green that makes me think less of the owners, but still less than acceptable) and I’ve spent the last week painting it a cream color.  We were glad when it was finally done and we were able to move into our bedroom!  Unfortunately, there’s still some green around the edges where the previous owners did a bad paint job and got some color on the ceiling or moulding.  We’ll have to fix that eventually.  We also replaced the fluorescent light in our kitchen which made me want to die with a cute little track lighting type fixture.  Yay for home improvement!


The Office

April 6, 2007

On a certain other website I frequent they talk about the TV show Lost from time to time.  I love that show and enjoy the discussion.  So, as a shameless ripoff, I mean… sincerest form of flattery imitation I would like to bring up another show that I know many of us love, The Office.  It’s been QUITE a while since we’ve gotten a new episode, and this one left me feeling refreshed.  I guess there’s not a lot of deep mystery to speculate about and offer clever insights into, like in Lost.  Mostly, I just figure we can share some of favorite lines from the show.