Archive for February, 2008


Photos and Videos

February 23, 2008

Kyle has been doing lots of great things lately!  We haven’t gotten everything on video but we had a lucky night last night and got alot.  He’s been walking in our shoes and he’s learned to push himself along on his riding toy.  He learned that the light turns on when he flips the switch and screams at it every time!  It’s super cute! Probably my favorite is he’s started doing this shrug sort of thing and a questioning sound when he doesn’t know where something is.  The video that highlights that is a treasure trove of new things as he did a little knee walk that was new to us last night! And he did his backwards crawling! Check it out!

15th Month Videos

I also started a 15th month photo album.  The majority is of Kyle with his first ever stuffed animal that I bought for him the day he was being extra cute because I felt like spoiling him a little.  It’s a puppy.

15th Month


February 18, 2008

Wow!  We haven’t had a lot of new pictures lately!  I’ve been taking a lot less because there’s not a lot going on and I don’t take out the camera much “just because”  but Kyle is being so cute and pretty much awesome today I just can’t get enough!  So now that we have a few pictures, still not many, I can post a new 14th month album!

14th Month

Thanks to a Nice Tax Return…

February 14, 2008


…We’re finally buying a second car and this is it!  It’ll be ours in 3-4 weeks.  A 2005 Chevy Malibu, 4-door sedan in silver with 30,000 miles on it.  We got a great deal on a company car from my dad’s work and as soon as the driver gets their new replacement car, we’ll be the proud owners.  Let me say, it’s about time!  I was trying to see how we could get by with one car for the whole dependence on foreign oil thing, but between Kyle growing up, an underused pass to Thanksgiving Point, and the membership to the Legacy Center we’ve been meaning to get for a couple months now, we’ve been itching for more mobility. Good Bye having to do all our shopping in one day!  Good Bye death days of boredom stuck at home!  Good Bye spending money that’ll go towards gas, registration, and insurance now!