Archive for August, 2012


Community Helpers

August 29, 2012

At School this week Kyle has been studying “community helpers”.  They’ve done doctor and dentist, fireman, and policeman.  Kyle’s teacher, Ms. Davis, mentioned how she loved hearing the kids’ answers when she asked them what their parents do for their jobs.  So I asked Kyle what Brad does for work:

T: Kyle, what does daddy do for his job?

K: He gives people houses and money.

T: Uh, are you sure?  Did you learn anything about what he does when you went to Take Your Child t0 Work day?

K: (lights up) Oh yeah!  I remember!  Daddy WRITES EMAILS to people who don’t have houses and money!

HaHaHaHa!  Wow that’s a far cry from software engineer!


Kyle’s First Day of School

August 21, 2012