Archive for June, 2013


End of June

June 30, 2013

I finished up our June Album with lots of new pictures!  So far I’ve been able to successfully accomplish my goal of one craft and one outing per week!

Week 1: We made dirt cups and went to the aquarium!

Week 2: We made sun catchers and went to Chuck e Cheese!

Week 3: We made star lanterns and went to the zoo!

Week 4: We made collecting boxes and went collecting in the canyon!

I feel it’s a victory for moms of newborn twins everywhere!

Check out our cute pics!

June 2013 Album

June 2013 Album


Oh! And Also…

June 9, 2013

Here’s a link to a hilarious video my friend Shay sent me on facebook.  It’s called What Not to Say to the Parents of Twins

It’s super funny because I’d gotten all of those questions/comments before except one (the one where she thinks having one baby at a time is harder than having twins)….UNTIL LAST FRIDAY!!!  I was waiting at the Dr’s office for my postpartum visit and these two ladies were commenting on the twins.

Woman #1:  You’re a better woman than I am!  I could have never done two at a time!

Woman #2:  Actually, I’ve babysat my friend’s twins and it’s really easy because they just play together.  I think having twins must be easier than having just one because they can entertain each other.

Wow Woman #2…just…Wow.  I can see where she’s coming from, but she had to be smoking something to think that her babysitting experience qualified her to that opinion.  Yikes.

This is unrelated to the video, but sort of related to the experience.  People love to call me “Super mom”  because I have twins.  I get it all the time, at least several times a week.  It’s really really nice, but funny that something I had no control over whatsoever suddenly makes me “Super mom.”  “Survivor mom”  seems more appropriate!


Cool Pics

June 9, 2013

I finally got around to taking photos off the camera!

In the May album you can look forward to: Evan’s first bath! (he loved it!), Claire’s first bath! (she hated it…still does), a bunch of pictures of Claire in my favorite outfit of hers (from Melissa), and Kyle’s kindergarten graduation!

May 2013 Album

Don’t hold me to it, but I feel like it’d be so easy to fall into the sit at home taking care of babies trap, and who could blame me? But to make for a more fun summer for Kyle and Joel, I made a goal of one fun excursion per week and one craft per week. I think…I hope…I can manage that….right?

So in the June album (so far) you can look forward to: our trip to the aquarium (why yes I did take all four kids by myself! yay me!…well, and then Tracy came!), our craft of the week (dirt cups), and playing with bows with Claire

June 2013 Album

June 2013 Album



June 9, 2013

I never thought it possible, but we took a picture of Evan that totally reminds me of Macklemore:



It’s the fur.